Ever since a presentation software was launched in 1990, it has grown in popularity.Modeled on the old-fashioned slide projector, the software allows speakers to quickly and simply create 'slides' - pages of pictures, charts,diagrams and notes - that they can then use to illustrate a presentation.However , despite the software'ss ever increasingly popularity,there are those who think that , far from helping audiences to understand what speakers are saying , it often actually impedes communication. Now, an educational resercher in Australia , John Sweller, has come up with a theory, called Congnitive Loard Theory, that he believes explains what is wrong. This is based on an examination of the way the brain processes information.According to Sweller, the brain can effectively process information when it is presented either orally or in a written form.However, it finds it hard to deal with information that is simultaneously presented in both forms.As many people use the software to show in written words the same content that they are also saying , it simply confuses and bores audiences.Sweller says that it is a good idea to use the software for diagrams and charts, which show information in a non-verbal form , but for showing writing.
3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/06/28(土) 20:33:02
1.What does this presentation software make it possible for people to do? a.Ensure that audiences will be confused about what they saying. b.use a slide projector to illustrate their presentations as they talk. c.provide visual information to back up whatever they are talking about. 4.prevent people form interrupting their talks with pointless questions.
2.What is John Sweller's explanation for the fact that the software can confuse audience? a.The software is unable to present the same content as the speaker. b.It is hard for people to listen to and read the same information at once. c.It is difficult for people to talk and interpret diagrams at the same time. d.Speakers find it hard to explain what they have put on their slides.
slide projectorが時代遅れだからbじゃなく、話してることと同じ内容なのでc Howeverの理由がit simply confuses and bores audiences.だからb だと思う。
9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/06/28(土) 22:43:01
2級を48で受かった厨学3年生だ 次回からよろしく
10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/06/28(土) 23:09:39
11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/06/28(土) 23:16:09
12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/06/28(土) 23:16:31
Hi, guys. I have a suggestion. Why don't we speak only English and prohibit Japanese. In this way, we'd be fluent in English much faster than otherwise.
Agreed? Okay. From now on, something irreversible will happen to those who use Japanese.
みんな2次の対策中悪いんだが、ある曲で I've been workin' them angels overtime ってフレーズがあって、対訳が 「私は天使たちに残業をさせてきた」ってなってるんだけども、 オレの脳ミソだと、「天使たちに働かせる」を英語にすると、 使役動詞を使って普通に I let angels work. みたいにしか思いつかないんだが、なぜwork them angelsなんだ? work them angelsを文法的にだれか教えてくれ〜
この前本で読んだジョーク Cessna: “Jones tower, Cessna 12345, student pilot, I am out of fuel.” Tower: “Roger Cessna 12345, reduce airspeed to best glide!! Do you have the airfield in sight??!!” Cessna: “Uh ... tower, I am on the south ramp. I just want to know where the fuel truck is.”
試験室に入室して着席すると試験官が自己紹介で必ず名乗るよね。 「My name is Kentaro Yasuoka.」みたいにさ。 それから面接カードを試験官に渡すんだけど、そん時に満面の笑みで 「Good morning Mr.Yasuoka!Here you are!」って言って渡すんだ。 こんなこと言う受験生はなかなかいないみたいで、大概向こうは 表情が明るくなる。これがすべてじゃないにせよ、発音の悪い俺だけど 2級、準1と続けてアティチュードは満点もらってますYO
>>587 tell me about yourself でした。普段なにしてて、家族がいて、今日おわったらあれする予定で とか話したら、向こうがでも今日午後暑そうだよねー、みたい感じで答えてきました。
591 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/07/13(日) 15:28:57
>>586 もともと絵が描かれていれば、その上から going over 上書きしにくくなる ということだと思うけど。
592 :181[]:2008/07/13(日) 15:39:32
落書きの問題だった。 長文すまん!問題はこんな感じだと解釈したがどうだ? Q1 あなたが4コマ目の女性であったとしたら、どのように考えますか? 俺:If I were her, I'd be thinking 'how beatiful these paints are. And it will prevent unknown person from painting. Q2 地域の住民が自分たちでパトロールをすべきだと思いますか? 俺:Yes, I think so. Sometimes policemen are very busy. So, we should protect our society by ourselves. Q3 近年、身近な事件に対して人々の意識は変わってきましたか? 俺:No, I don't think so. Recently, serious crimes are increasing. So, we should change our mind and aware the danger in our ordinaly life. Q4は警察等の公務員は尊敬されるべきか?と解釈したが、どうやら警官と教師だったようだ。
>>593 英文は、 Q1:If you were the woman in the 4th picture, what is your feeling? Q2:Should our society be patrolled by〜 みたいな感じだったと思うが。。。 Q3とQ4はI beg your pardon?を用いて2回聞いたのにあんまり覚えていないぃィィ!!
The failure of the average man is due,not to lack of ability,but to lack of ability to consentrate,toexpend all his energy in the cultivation of one marked talent,instead of scattering his efforts on four or five possibilities.