The next stop is Tokyo. The doors on the left side will open. ここまではよい。
次。 「Please change here for OOline, OOline, and OOline.」のところ。
・here forがエアポートに近く聞こえる。これが第一点。 ・息継ぎがforの後(つまりforのあとに1秒のpauseがある)にあるのはかなり変。 ・文法的にはPlease change trains here for OOline.......がよっぽどいい。そして息継ぎをするならhereのあと。
大きな駅で乗り換えの路線がたくさんあるところでは 「Please change here for OOline, OOline, OOline, AND OOline.」と言ってるんだけど 予想どおりというか英語の初学者で発音に興味を持ち始めた人がしがちな誤りであるANDの発音が"強母音"で発音してる。 Appleとかにでてくる「ア」と「エ」の中間っていわれたりする音のことね。
you know what? what I like about this thread is, you guys are ready to write in English. unlike other thread, this is the most able thread around here. you make here worth visiting.
>>91 Try "chat in English" thread. That's the thread where Japanese people with highest command of English in 2ch and native English speakers come and chat.
Hi, everybody!! I'm Chiari. I'm so happy to know that I have a lot of fans here! Please listen carefully to my English announcement every time you get on the train in Greater Tokyo Area!
Well, I rarely have HAD any embarrasSments for such habitual differences. ------------------------------ embarassment等は恥等経済的困窮等を連想汁のでbewilder等confuse等が宜し。 違ひが箸とスプソの一例しか挙げてをらんもんで此を総括汁のが困難だが 当ビ的にはcultural differences等。シカーシcultural and habitual differencesと イパーソ化を高めるも宜し。シカーシculturalもhabitualも取りタダのsuch differences としても減点対象にはならん氣汁。
For me, there is a feeling that they are naturally different. ------------------------------ 前半はThere is a feeling in me等のはうが当ビ的には宜し。 後半は「生まれつき異なる」意が生汁。nature or nurtureで云へば 箸とスプソの選択の相違はnurtureに属汁。 that they can be different.で宜し。
And moreover, I should troubled with them were they not different. ------------------------------ 冒頭にAnd等BUT(丸文字)等付けると女子高女子大生つぽくてはあとであるが チート格が下がるつぽいからトル。Ishouldの後は動詞の原形を期待汁。 読返せば文章として成立してをらんだら?
Pass単準1級の例文で質問があるんだけど。1級の方、誰か答えて。 The mystery and ritual of religion is a large part of its attraction. Pass単の訳では「神秘性と宗教儀式が、その大きな呼び物である。」となってた。
The mystery and ritual of religion のところ「宗教における、神秘性と儀式」じゃだめなの? つまり、{The mystery and ritual} of religionってこと。 よって日本語訳で「宗教というのは、それに付随する神秘性および各宗教に特有の儀式の両方こそが 宗教の魅力である。」みたいな感じで俺は捉えてしまったんだけど。
>>147>>154 学校や文法書では (1)An actor and politician is coming toward us.[俳優かつ政治家] (2)An actor and a politician are coming toward us.[俳優と政治家] って習ったと思うけど、現実の英語、つまり英字新聞・雑誌ではお気づきだと思うが 誤解の恐れがない場合(1)の形でan actor and a politicianを表すのはよくあり、ごく普通である。 147のThe mystery and ritual of religion is a large part of its attraction. については君の解釈がただしいと思うよ つまり、[The mystery and ritual] of [religion]と捉えるのがいい。 伊藤氏の解説を借りると、そもそも、英語はバランス(形)を重視する言語で、 この場合[The mystery and ritual] of [religion]と捉えるとandで結ぶ場合のバランス(意味のバランスも)がとれていない。 ここで重要なことはandなどの等位接は何と何(同じ性質のもの)を結んでるかを考えること。 そして、現実の英語は学校文法の範囲ですべて捉えられないってこと いくつかある学校文法外の例: 分離不定詞:The two companys forged an alliance to better compete with foreign companys. 学校文法ではto compete betterが正しいとされるが、現実は英語の音のリズムや言葉の流れの良さから 上のような形になることはごく普通のこと。 例文にすると長くなるから、文は示さないけど関係詞の継続用法(カンマ)を用いるべきなのに、 誤解が生じないならカンマを省略することも英字新聞・雑誌ではよくある。 これは正しい文章ではないとされてるけど現実にはこういう用法はAP配信記事やNYTやTimeでもよくある。
178 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/04(火) 10:32:41
>>177 訂正 147は[The mystery] and [ritual of religion]と捉えるのが間違い バランスが悪い 重複失礼しやした
179 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/04(火) 10:42:27
180 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/04(火) 10:48:35
The mystery and ritual of religion is a large part of its attraction.
「Pros and Cons: A Debater's Handbook」 とりあえず、この本+過去問で30本スピーチ作って覚えることを目標にしました。 でも、実際作れたのは15本、しかも作っただけで完全に暗記しているというレベルじゃありません。 頑張ったのは、最後の一週間で声に出して読み込んだくらいです。 出だしのパターンとか、firstly, secondly, in conclusionなど結論に持っていく構成とか、 in this connectionなどちょっと違った話にもって行きたいときのフレーズとか、 in my experienceなど強引に自分の経験話にもっていくときの繋ぎ言葉の感覚を養えたのが収穫でした。
「強くなる英語のディスカッション―意見交換から討論・交渉まで」 三省堂でたまたま見つけたこのほんで、質疑応答で必要と思われるフレーズをピックアウトして30個くらい覚えました。 試験当日は、nativeの反論をうんうんと頷いて聞き、そして、I agree with you to some extent, but I personally think... と堂々と切り出すことができました。think以降の部分は支離滅裂英語なのですが、出だしハロー効果はあったと思います。
It's been going down, I regret to tell you... During self-introduction and Q&A section, I was able to command every bit of words I spoke. Particles, singular and plural form, auxiliary verbs... I was smartest ever. It was kinder super power in an emergency (Kajiba no Bakajikara). I didn't miss a word spoken by interviewers even the Japanese interviewer spoke in weak breath, and thus the word "blame" sounded like "plame" or "hlame". However, my speech was terrible.
One thing is clear. Eiken is not gonna pass one who cannot deliver a good speech. Two things I don't get it. My speech point and interaction point are always the same. Also, my grammar and pronunciation are always the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Someone who has passed Grade 1, could you do me a favor? This test's minimum price is JPY 1943. My score is 61. If your score is higher than mine, then I should work harder like everyone else. If my score is higher, what do you think is the problem? I wanna know if it's a matter of good luck and bad luck. I'm not making fun of you. You can ignore this message of course.
280 :◆2LEFd5iAoc []:2008/03/05(水) 21:53:47
(Corrections) I don't get it. My speech point and interaction point WERE the same. If my score is higher, what do you think is MY problem?
ps このスレを見ている人 【上戸彩】アテンションプリーズ スペシャル [テレビドラマ] I see you everywhere! That's a bit funny. haha
>>279 You'll pass STEP 1st grade 1 when you pull a rabbit out of the hat during your interview. Obviously you didn't this time..
284 :◆2LEFd5iAoc []:2008/03/06(木) 00:10:02
>>282 Do you think so? My exemption period has expired and I have to take it from the 1st stage. If it was because of a computer bug, I could pass next time! When Q&A, I was utilizing English as a tool. I respond to what they say logically and appropriately, though my ideas were not well-elaborated. I'm trapped in interview hell (Mensetsu Jigoku).
I'm not a salesperson of versant. I just wanted to suggest how my English is like, you know, I thought writing skill and speaking skill are sometimes different. What would you do if you cannot prove your English by STEP? Versant is little known, unpopular, CAE is expensive and too much trouble, I don't like ETS, I don't know much about UNs, or things Japanese.
So people would come to use more trains or buses than now. (Soは口語では宜しが文語ではThen等Therefore等。シカーシ此等を文頭に置くと重い) (more trains or busesでは「いっそう電車やバスを」。「今よりも」だから) →People then(therefore) would come to use trains or buses more than now. (thereforeは強い論理を意味汁から此を使ふなら推測のwouldをトル)
As a result, the rate of unemployment in the automobile industry might come to increase and the Japanese economy might got worse. 強い語数制限があるからAs a result等the rate of等トル。代りにコソテソツを充実汁。 might弱い。 →Unemployment in the automobile industry will come to increase (be increased/worsened) and the Japanese economy in general might follow, unfortunately.
>>485のp.149(7)に付記汁と、a lot of等は口語つぽいと云ふので 此をmuch等good等に置換汁。 2番目の文は長い上にTop heavyだからThere would be no progress, however,等で始まる文に書き換へたい処だが、汁と今度はthereが続き チート煩しい。よつて寧ろthereを一つも用ゐんでやつてみやう。 「学問」は「科学」と断定して宜しからう。学者をscholarと云ふのは 中世スコラ学派のやうで最近のヤシラは皆GパソにTシヤツだもんで禿しく格下げ汁。
>>415 Hey guy! Good to see you again. It seems a real challenge to troll in this thread of First Grade. If this is at Prefirst, they will surely get fired up, thought. I'm afraid that apparently this is not where you should have come. I guess that means you just became laughingstock. Good bye forever.
I wonder what's the merit of >>415 devoting himself to abusing STEP TEST.
426 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 01:24:25
We should give our opinion in English if the person like >>415 shows up. Doing so might reveal his true character, or at least it would show that we can have some ability of writing.
Well, >>424, why don't you give it a try to talk to him?
あってるというか意味は十分通じるだろ long time no see how have you been doing / how you doing / living large / What's up Will you do me a favor , keep company with me to go to B you'll go だとちょっと変 are going to (近未来の進行形 のがbetter
>>469-470 I agree with your message. Practical English is important. So why don’t we exchange opinions about practical English IN ENGLISH? I’m waiting for a quick reply like the ones you made to the others.
Israel said Wednesday it would impose sanctions on the influential Arab satellite network Al-Jazeera, accusing it of slanted coverage favoring the violent Hamas movement.
>>680 OK, you're not making any sense but I'll give you a chance. What is your base on reproving the well known and widely accepted frequency list? Your gut feelings? because you kinda feel like so?
Explain, logically and specifically, why you could be so sure that I have vocabulary size smaller than 5000 and why in the world knowing Martin Luther King Jr. does anything to do with one's fluency of English.
Vocabulary size of 5000 is that of an average 9 years old and far cry from enough to comprehend more sophisticated materials like Time.
Exactly what you said, you need to 'know the back ground information' in order to comprehend that paragraph with such small vocabulary size. Then you are not 'reading' the paragraph but just guessing from what you already know.
Just because you could 'instantaneously understand it ‘just by looking at it' does not mean you understand the language.
You think otherwise? Then prove yourself. In English please. You don’t have any problem with it do you?
I've been in the States for 3 years, and I have no difficulty communicating in everyday situations with less than 5000 words. I firmly believe it more crucial to have an practical command of English with correct pronunciations and proper wording than to just know many big words without knowing their practical usages. As a high schoold student in Japan, I also memorized an enormous number of words, some of which might have been at 10000 level. So I can understand your opinion that having a good vocabulary will be helpful in understanding English better, but I think the most essential point is NOT the size of your vocabulary. Even if you don't have a good vocabulary, if you can speak fluently with correct pronunciation, then I liken you to a 一国一城の主. 一国一城の主 has the possiblity that he would soon conquer the English language by increasing his soldiers or reinforcing his vocabulary. But, I can't imagine the verbomaniac-type learners in Japan could learn to speak English at last.
688 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/14(金) 06:51:46
>>687 You did not demonstrate your ability to understand my writing thoroughly and completely. In order to answer >>684, you needed to explain the reason why -
1. The frequency list is not reliable when compared to your 'gut feelings'
2. I (or >>657>>663, same thing) CLEARLY have vocabulary size less than 5000.
3. Knowing MLK is crucial to proficiency in English.
4. It is feasible to think one can comprehend Time with vocabulary size of a 9 years old.
You couldn't address any of the points here. Nobody said you can't make day to day conversations with 5000. Nobody said that size of vocabulary is THE essential point in learning English. Nobody said you just need to memorize words and you will be the master of English.
Vocabulary is just that, vocabulary. Wording and other elements are equally, if not more, important. And I think everybody agrees on that.
However, you CLEARLY stated you just need to know 5000 to comprehend paragraphs from Time while taking out these less frequently used words will make the paragraph beyond comprehension. Any explanation on this? and on 1, 2 and 3?
689 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/14(金) 06:53:25
>>687 I said this before and will say it again. 5000 is the size of 9 years old. And your writing is showing that, well probably a little better to be fare, but the point is, it (5000) is merely big enough, and there is no reason to believe otherwise.
Yes, you need to be able to use 5000 words right, and nobody is arguing on that. What I and others are saying is you also need considerably bigger vocabulary than 5000 to comprehend and compile more sophisticated writings.
I can tell from your writing that you can probably get by everyday conversations, but nobody was really talking about everyday conversations. TOEIC is probably more suitable for that. Eiken, as far as I see it and I've never taken it, seems to be focused more on sophisticated (written) materials.
You are welcome to make your points, but you need to address above 4 points, or at least number 4, if you want to be seen anything remotely reasonable.
>>727 YOU write in English! You are probably one of them by the way.
729 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 12:35:27
Yes, I do.
730 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 12:40:53
It's amazing how self-claimed intellectuals are manipulated by a single person.
731 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 15:02:24
732 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 15:58:09
>>730 Did you mean self-"pro"claimed intellectuals? Well, it happens all the time in 2ch.
733 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 17:05:12
As was expected, you are all at the same low level! Even those who are living in English-speaking countries like >>703 or >>704 can't tell the difference in pronunciation between "flower" and "flour". First of all, I advise you should acquire basic articulation and other voice skills. I know all too well those who have been pushing hard principally for the Eiken test couldn't notice even basic phonetic differences among household words.
I guess when you're speaking English, you are just embarrassing people around you then (爆笑). To my knowledge, such type of English-learners ALWAYS show poor speaking ability, even after several years stay in the States. I believe the ability to speak accurately with good pronunciation is the very minimum requirement for competitive non-native English speakers.
Even successful candidates of the Eiken test can't write Engish better than I. ( ref. >>684>>688>>689) No one will object to the fact that one's speaking ability will be far beneath his writing ability in fluency, and I guess Ayu will speak better English than you (藁). Anyway, I recommend you reaching to the level of Ayu as a first move, and then pushing the envelope.
So then are you all happy?? haha
734 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 17:31:16
Uh. I hate to break it to you guys, but there's no difference between "flower" and "flour." Look them up on any dictionary website, like You'll see the pronunciation is the same.
735 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 17:58:59
736 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 18:04:19
Write in English. We're on the Eiken first grade thread.
737 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 18:13:36
flower と flour が同じ発音なのは、アメリカの言語学者も認めていることだよ。
738 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 18:27:24
|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| || ○This is the Eiken first grade thread and you are expected to write || in English. || ○Consider even the Wheat man write in English. || ○Show your English ability is better than Arashi's English ability. || Λ_Λ || \ (゚ー゚*) It's basic || ⊂⊂ | ||___ ∧ ∧__∧ ∧__ ∧ ∧_ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ( ∧ ∧__ ( ∧ ∧__( ∧ ∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ 〜(_( ∧ ∧_ ( ∧ ∧_ ( ∧ ∧ Yes, sir! 〜(_( ,,)〜(_( ,,)〜(_( ,,) 〜(___ノ 〜(___ノ 〜(___ノ
739 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 18:50:47
Until when are you going to be kept under control of a single mad fool hah?
740 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 19:00:49
>>739 What I want to know the most is what is driving this wheat lad so desperate. I can see in a vivid manner that he's writing this >>733 post with tears in his eyes and his face turning red. I mean, is proving your point in this desolate thread worth going that far? Doesn't he have anything else to do for a change? I surmise he had some traumatic experience with a grade 1 holder in the past. In that case, my sympathy extends to this poor fellow. His ordeal must have been so agonizing that he ended up being a jerk who could only derive contentment from trolling on the net. How distressing! He is all but a victim of this relentless English craze that we witness today. We should all empathize with his predicament.
741 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 19:07:37
742 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 19:25:34
743 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 19:30:39
I wonder why we are communicating in English. Although this thread is for the 1st Grade STEP, there is no doubt that our native tongue is the most effective way to understand each other.
744 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 19:34:40
Residents here are also visiting the thread(s) below. (ver 0.20) 【ミランカ】内村さまぁ〜ず パート11【PC-TV】 [Internet] 【モスドには】ミスタードーナツ37【なりません】 [Part-time] 人間関係の距離感がわからない人15【対策】 [Daily Life]
Please tell me a difference between A and B. Maybe,I think it is only a difference of a nuance.
A:Are you going to go shopping ? B:Will you be going shopping?
749 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 20:11:10
>>748 I think the difference is more enormous than you think. In A, it is more likely that the person will actually go shopping than in B.
750 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 20:12:54
>>748 I'll give you some advice. You should have used 'the difference' instead of 'a difference.' Then, your English would have sound far more real.
751 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 20:14:01
752 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 []:2008/03/15(土) 20:19:27
やっぱ冠詞だったのか… なんかa と the の使い分けが分からない…
753 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 21:04:00
>>748 If you say, "I will be going shopping tomorrow," it sounds like you are in a situation you are supposed to go shopping regardless of your own will.
754 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 21:16:42
I knew it, the troll has disappeared! v(^0^)v congrats English-only will always work for getting rid of useless idiots. Thanks to guys using this thread, without you guys' effort, it didn't happen so soon. This is what I like about Grade 1 unlike other boards.
Not changing the subject, I don't think >>513 is a post of no use. You and I want to go up stairs one by one, and if there is a guidance like 513, we won't be wasting our money for taking a test which is easier than the one we have already passed. Right?
757 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 21:35:34
>>755 Don't worry, the retard is not reading, nor do I think he can read it anyway. Funny thing is, smart people don't spam, it is always DQN who spam.
758 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 21:53:51
>>756 I think these certifications are trying to capture different aspects of English skills. I would assume being an interpriter requires special skills not required for just being fluent in English. Plus, making a perfect score requires something more that English skills. You really have to study the tests, not just English.
I think it is not like we are going up a flight of stairs, but rather climbing a tree. Eachone could be equaly high though on different branchs.
That said, I agree it may be useful if it is strictly for general references. Although it usually ends up with a fray arguing which one is 'greater' w
759 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 22:03:28
I AM GOING TO GET A QUALIFICATION ALLOWANCE ! though I don't know how much they'll pay.
760 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 22:11:03
つ I
761 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 22:16:52
762 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 22:28:38
Those who laugh at 10 yen will cry over 10 yen.
763 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 22:38:04
(I) 3年後 (T_T) 。。○
764 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 22:47:03
765 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 22:48:32
766 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 22:49:43
Yes. Temporarily in English mode.
767 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 23:12:08
It's been more than 10 hours since English mode has begun, and the wheat lad doesn't appear since.
>>743 It is not our tongue, that's why we'd better use the language on a regular basis.
768 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:13:09
I think it's about time we switched to Japanese mode again, considering the idiot disappered.
769 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:13:21
Bad thing about this is that this repels everybody. mmm... The life is not easy.
770 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:14:16
771 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:15:43
日本語喋りてぇぇぇええええええええええええ sorry..
772 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/15(土) 23:20:15
>>You think so? I'm enjoying it. It keeps someone who doesn't deserve this thread away. You must be proud of yourself since you can belong here.
773 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:28:31
>>757 I can't agree you more! Deriding others based on some groundless rubbish is totally unbecoming to a sensible adult. Even in 2ch, we ought not to forget respecting each other. Otherwise we would sink as low as certain somone whose incorrigible stupidity is simply beneath contempt.
774 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/15(土) 23:28:54
Yea.. but someone said 'the river too clear and fish don't flourish'. oops!! flour!rish!!
Hello, is this practical English proficiency test thread? Anyone take it? Is it worth \7500 yen? To what extent an average level 1 holder is native? I hear an average level 1 holder can't read the newspaper. Is it true?
>>781 I don't know who you are, but it's worth the cost. You can say those who have passed level 1 have accomplished second language acquisition. In order to pass the test, you ought to deliver an academic speech as long as 2 minutes. Let alone being able to read English newspaper.
I personally think there is much to learn even after you pass. However, that does not mean what wheat ass(>>775) says is true. Level 1 belongs to "C1" on the Common European Framework scale(6 stages from A1 to C2). I hear most European guys change their target languages after they reach C1. So you can proud of yourself very much. Good luck!!
>>786 Thanks for the information. Also, what is the lowest percent you can get to pass? 70? Can you take the test more than once a day? And this is out of curiosity, where are you people studying? You speak very beautiful English, by which I was so amazed.
789 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 00:49:21
>>788 You can google all the info you need, if you can read Japanese. I'm just an ordinary Japanese guy who has never studied abroad. It's you who write beautiful English. Incidentally, >>787 is a loser who is currently barking up to the moon. Just ignore it. v(^_^)v
790 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 00:54:46
Wheat guy has apparently never touched the surface of the moon on which we stand. Cry out until your vocal cord breaks. Good night.
791 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 00:57:54
I can not speak English at all
792 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 00:58:32
793 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 00:59:58
>>792 grasshopper, number of plant-eating insects having hind legs adapted for leaping; katydid, large variety of grasshopper which produces a singing sound by rubbing its wings together; cricket, leaping insect which is related to the grasshopper
794 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 01:07:26
795 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 02:18:03
796 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 02:35:33
It is natural to write in English because this is 1st grade thread. Writing easy English is good for learning.
797 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 04:34:19
You had been in the States for three years. After you were back to Japan, you were very confident in English. You were able to speak with Americans very easily. But it was impossible for you to pass the Eiken pre 1st grade. So you got angry and began to hate whole Eiken system, didn’t you? However you don’t have to hate Eiken because you may be able to speak English more fluently than almost all of us. You know what? Everyone can’t always study abroad. You are so special even now. In fact I envy you. We just decided to get Eiken 1st grade. For me it is because there was no way to learn English. In the course of taking this test every one of us have once thought why I should remember those UNNATURAL words. In terms of this point, you are actually right. But our purpose is just to get the 1st grade certification itself. That’s it. It requires those stupid vocabularies. I will get them. It is not because of to read Time magazine it is because just it’s challenging. Also I think why don’t you try Eiken. 10000 words are not so difficult to remember. Maybe it is difficult for me to use, write, or speak though. Buy Pass単熟語. It has more than 2000 words. You are so smart that you can memorize it easily.
>the verbomaniac-type learners in Japan You missed the point. I don’t think I can conquer English. I DO want to conquer Eiken. That’s it. If you can’t acknowledge it by all means, just forget about it. It has nothing to do with you. Right?
798 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 05:11:54
I don't understand why you criticize Eiken for not being practical. The first grade is not at all difficult for native english speakers, and most of the words given in it are the ones you would always see and hear in daily life. Those who hate Eiken should pass it before giving any comment. Otherwise it will sound just like a loser barking up to the moon.
799 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 06:29:36
Hey Wheaty! I'm glad you a back! I forgot to tell you something!!
To be really honest with you, your English suck! like really sucks!! really really sucks like a 35 years old hoover!!
I thought my English suck but oh my god!! yours suck even worse!!! Like yours is suckier !! no, I'm like one of the suckier ones so you're the suciest!!
It's so akward that it even makes my BRAIN HURTS!!! It took me 30 seconds to understand what the heck is 'successful candidates'!! there is no candidates here !! Are you like Eiken office or something ?!
Then I clicked! oh my gosh, that's a direct translation of'合格者'!! Darn!! I don't have enough space to bitch about it!! so I'll stop for now!!!
Let's flame on Wheaty!!!
800 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 06:33:13
pheeewww now I feel better.
801 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 06:42:45
It's obvious the flour man's purpose is not seriously discussing the practical usage of English but mocking Eiken faithfuls. I must admit he has done a very good job indeed.
802 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 07:03:26
I think she's really just a phyco.
803 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/16(日) 08:40:18
i guess you were trolled by 小麦花粉 because you were -either covertly or overtly- interested in the topik 花子 posed. you must admit the fact. i was too intelligent to be trolled. so sorry.
804 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 08:48:33
>>803 You are so sorry for being intelligent? That's very funny.
805 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 08:55:58
What's Hanako anyways? I'm not seriously reading anymore. Wheaty can't read a thing anyways.
I am usualy the one says pronunciation is REALLY important. Then for some reason I'm yelling at that biyotch saying the same thing. I don't know why.
Oh, speaking of that, the ho stopped saying anything about pronunsitaion huh?
806 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 09:42:03
Trying to make the situation a little productive, I am first to admit I don't really know a lot of vacabulary from .. elementary school. The words that Japanese schools teach are , IMHO, very 'efficient' in terms of comprihending sophisticated materials like newspapers.
so I (SOOOOOMEwhat) understand why Wheaty thinks that 5000 is enough. Because her 5000 and natives' 5000 are completely different.
How many people here know what 'conifer'’chipmunks’’germination’’badger’ 'meadow’etc. are? They all are 2nd grade's (8years old) vocabularies.
I think Japanese are actualy getting really effective English training despite the fact it is often denounced to be 'Not real world English'. At the same time, our vocabulary are really focused on things like politics and economics, and missing really basic stuff like アナグマ or 膿. And without knowing these elementary school vocabulary, I can't really talk to people without making them 'try' to speak a foreigner.
That's the reason why I finally came to think that vocabulary is very important. Unfortunatly, I didn't get Wheaty to talk this deep, but it's OK. I like flaming too.
807 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/16(日) 10:04:07
And shoot. I've been abroad for 15 years. I don't even know where is 'abroad' now. And some of you write cleaverer looking English than I do.
I will shed the global warming because we do not seem to take smoothly. Let us talk "global warming"
In my opinion, To resolve the problem,we must reduce large amount of carbon dioxide. Now , to reduce them , I suggest that the number of cars must be reduced. It is impossible , however , to reduce them. What can I do...? これを訳してくれませんか?
I went to school in the states for 8years but my English hasn`t improved much at all. I seriously think that Im a little retarded. Now Im back in Japan, not speaking/using it as much as I used to, and it`s gotten even worse. 俺が言うのも何だけど、やっぱり文法からちゃんと習わないと駄目だね。仕事で英語必要な 人なら尚更。 ビジネスレターとか全然書けねえ。今更、後悔してる。
>>905 Thanks. I turned 21 and I`m really happy. Since there aren`t many opportunites for me to use English, and since it`s your birthday. I`d like to say, Happy Birthday to you, Minako. こんな感じなのかな。違うか。
go upstairsは2階へ上がる、もしくは今いる階より上の階に上がる go up stairsは単に階段を上る。stair自体「階段」という名詞だからまあ当たり前の意味。 go up the stairs two at a timeは一度に2段ずつ昇る。 ただしくはtheをつけるけど実際のところつけない場合が多い。