One day, a new employee was about to fisinish his first day. (↑これは問題カードに載ってる文。ここからナレーションを始めろ、ということだ)
1コマ目 He liked playing tennis very much. So he was looking forward to playing tennis after his work.
2コマ目 But the next morning his boss said that "Please finish this by the end of the week".The amount of the work that he had to do was so much.So he was upset that.
3コマ目 Throughout the week , he had to work very harder. And he had to work overtime. So he could'nt enjoy playing tennis.
4コマ目 To matters worse, on payday , he found that "overtime pay " was not paid at all. He was very dissapointed to that.
458 :77 ◆VGn1Gp.fA2 []:2008/06/22(日) 10:16:15
とにかく ・簡単な語彙を使う ・短めの文をつなぐことで、ミスをできるだけ減らす。 ・問題文には「The next morning」とかかいてあったり、登場人物が主人公に いった事の内容が吹き出しで出ているので、それをもれなく盛り込むこと。 ・so, though ,but , as a result などは使いこなせるようにしておくこと。
451 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2008/06/05(木) 23:57:25 malign tumor ・Carpediem is a malign tumor of this thread. incessant mar ・Car's incessant comments marred this thread. groan ・Carpediem groaned with pain when he was attacked from young DQNs. debacle ・Carpediem wanted to be a famous KOTEHAN , but his plan ended up in such debacle.
2次試験に備えて、独り言を言う習慣をつけましょう。 独り言。しかも英語で。しかもなるべく中学レベルの単語と言い回しで。 言いたい事を簡単な英語で言える訓練と思って。 外出したら目に映った物の様子を頭の中でナレーションしましょう。 "I found a man in front of the door. He is too fat. He must be Carpediem."のように。
597 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/06/24(火) 22:58:24
>>596 "I found a man in front of the door. He was too fat. He must have been Carpediem."のように。