hey,,, i don wanna b rude or anything but i think u guys r talking way tooo,,, formally. i mean, its a gud thing to talk formally, but then we dont really use those language when we're talking.
though I do agree that talking is the best way to learn english so keep it up! これ解読し手暮れ…
>>26 Hey, I don't want to be rude or anything but I think you guys are talking way too formally. やあ、悪気はないんだが、おまえらちょっと堅苦しくしゃべりすぎてない?って俺は思うんだが。
I mean, its a good thing to talk formally, but then we don't really use those languages when we're talking. つまりその、フォーマルに会話するのはいいことなんだけど、実際俺らって会話するときそんな堅苦しい言葉って使わないし。
Though I do agree that talking is the best way to learn English. So keep it up. まあ、話すことが英語を学ぶ最も良い方法だってのは俺も激しく賛成なんだが。 がんばって勉強続けてくれ。
なーおまいら知ってる?おまいらのTOEICの点の百の位が、一息に喋れる単語の数なんだって。例えばモレの場合、 This's a poncho I bought in Guatemala for $20.(約9語) こんなのをandやbutでつなげてく感じ。 これがIやJになれば面接受かるんだきっと‥
124 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/25(火) 08:15:01
yup!! When we write, using want to is the best. When we speak, wanna will be usually used. But, saying want to is also correct and polite. In short, either will do when we speak. To tell the truth, when I email, I never type like this. I usually type much more bad way. Like i wanna hit the hay soon, cuz im tired so much today. i shoulda taken a nap on daytime. wtf!! c u l8r この文章特に前半部分がおかしくないでしょうか?
Today,the official International Olympic Committee policy has undergone a compleate turnaround, with the Committee acknowledging that "sport belongs to all human beings" and can "help build girls" and women's physical and psychological well-being and awareness and, hence, their role in society." 今日、国際オリンピック委員会の公的方針は大きく方向転換し、 委員会は「スポーツは人類すべてのもの」であり、それは「未成年女性と 成人女性の心身両面の幸福と自覚をもたらし、それゆえに社会の中における 女性の役割を確立するのに役立つ」ことができることを認めている という意味なのですが、henceは本来どこの位置なんでしょうか?
Brunnstrom's motor function test という言葉を聞けば、 整形外科医や神経内科医や神経外科医でわからない人は稀です。 それにともなうcontractureやcontractureという言葉を使っても、 その分野の医師ならばすぐにわかります。 もちろんこれらの単語は1級でも載っていないと思います。 なぜなら専門用語ですから。
One of the most popular profiles on YouTube features videos of a young girl named "magibon" or "MRirian" staring bashfully into a webcam. Her profile says she is 21-years old but various sources say she is actually only 14. Wonder if her parents know she is getting hundreds of thousands of views each week? She looks like she is either gonna break out into tears or peals of laughter.
短編です。語彙チェックにもどうぞ I was in a dark, dreary cave, which, from my point of view, bears a seeming resemblance to a hopeless vault where all the souls that cannot achieve nirvana when their containers are still alive gather together as if to dissipate loneliness from which they cannot escape in the state of separation.
Why I was here did not matter; what mattered was to squeeze out of my poor brains a quick-witted idea which could safely extricate me from this terrible, ghoulish predicament. In front of me, and above, visibly illuminated by the powerful flashlight in my left hand, were a large swarm of monstrous, demon-like bats of colossal size, so colossal that in seeing them you would undoubtedly realize that the maxim “seeing is believing” is not always a right one.
There was an irritating sensation of something cold feebly hitting my face intermittently, perhaps dripping water or perhaps, and less likely, urine of the formidably hideous creatures, but I could not identify what it is, completely lost in the overwhelming sense of emergency. Then, all of a sudden, the horde of enormous carnivores, which had hovered in the air absent-mindedly, launched a fearful assault on me, and …. The rest is silence.
The hardest thing [ I've ever done ] is keep [ believing [ there's someone in this crazy world for me ] ].
( In ) the way [ that people come and go through temporary lives ], My chance could come and I might never know
I used to say "No promises, let's keep [ it simple ]", but freedom only helps [ you say goodbye ] It took a while [ for me to learn [ that nothing comes for free ] ]. The price [ I paid ] is high enough for me
I know [ I need [ to be in love ] ]. I know [ I've wasted too much time ]. I know [ I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world ]. And (it is) fool enough [ to think [ that's what I'll find ] ].
19世紀かぁ。ギボンの「ローマ帝国衰亡史」(The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)は18世紀の本だが今でも普通に読めるよ。 チャーチルもガンジーも「こりゃ面白くてたまらん」といわしめただけあって 文章の構成が非常に明晰でカッチリしてて面白い。
>>583 2006年第一回午前 ● Will the 21st century be the Asian Century? ● Should there be more emphasis on the science in education today? ● Is the family today as important as it was in the past? ● Will the trend toward part-time employment negatively affect Japanese society? ● Why do you think some people in power abuse their position?
2006年第一回午後 ● Are foreign workers the solution to Japan's predicted labor shortage? ● Should democracy be the goal of all nations? ● Should Internet crime be taken more seriously? ● Do you think company loyalty is a thing of the past? ● Is spirituality losing its importance in modern society?
2006年第二回午前 ● Has technology changed education for the better? ● How will the economic growth of China affect Japan in the future? ● Prevention vs. cure in the battle against crime. ● Do people today pay enough attention to traditional remedies and medicines? ● "Win some, lose some" - Is this a good attitude to have? 勝つ時もあれば負けるときもある
2006年第二回午後 ● Should couples have the right to choose the sex of their children? ● Do you think outsourcing is good for the Japanese economy? ● Is too much attention paid to the human rights of criminals? ● Are modern telecommunications creating a common world culture? ● Why are science fiction and fantasy so popular today?
俺はCNNは聞き取れるけど。 そこでブッシュに記者が質問してるシーンとかで Mr President, you're thumbing your nose at these countries, aren't you? と言った表現がでてくる。 CMでも"we will go the extra miles for you"や "tongue in cheek comments, just boggle the mind"などと出てくる。 これらは知らないと内容もなかなか理解できないよねぇ