S :通訳検定1級 AAA :IELTS(9.0)、TOEFL677(CBT300) AA+ :国連特A、工業英検1級 AA :ケンブリッジ英検(CPE)、TOEIC990 AA- :通訳案内業、通訳検定2級 A+ :英検一級、TOEFL600(CBT250)、TOEIC930、 IELTS(7.0)、ケンブリッジ英検(CAE) A :工業英検2級、V通訳検定A級 A- :国連英検A級、TOEIC860、TOEFL580(CBT237)、 BBB+:TOEFL560(CBT220)、TOEIC800 BBB :英検準1級、TOEIC750、ケンブリッジ英検(FCE)、 TOEFL540(CBT200)、IELTS(6.0) BBB-:国連英検B級、TOEIC600、ケンブリッジ英検(PET) BB+ :英検2級、TOEFL470(CBT150)、国連C級、工業3級 BB :英検準2級、TOEIC400、TOEFL400(CBT100) BB- :英検3級、TOEIC360
We require applicants to have achieved TOEFL 600, CBT TOEFL 250, Cambridge CAE grade C or above, IELTS 6.5 or an equivalent level of proficiency. (University of Cambridge, International Summer Schools Web pageより抜粋)
So people would come to use more trains or buses than now. (Soは口語では宜しが文語ではThen等Therefore等。シカーシ此等を文頭に置くと重い) (more trains or busesでは「いっそう電車やバスを」。「今よりも」だから) →People then(therefore) would come to use trains or buses more than now. (thereforeは強い論理を意味汁から此を使ふなら推測のwouldをトル)
As a result, the rate of unemployment in the automobile industry might come to increase and the Japanese economy might got worse. 強い語数制限があるからAs a result等the rate of等トル。代りにコソテソツを充実汁。 might弱い。 →Unemployment in the automobile industry will come to increase (be increased/worsened) and the Japanese economy in general might follow, unfortunately.
>>485のp.149(7)に付記汁と、a lot of等は口語つぽいと云ふので http://www.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ken/eng/07.html 此をmuch等good等に置換汁。 2番目の文は長い上にTop heavyだからThere would be no progress, however,等で始まる文に書き換へたい処だが、汁と今度はthereが続き チート煩しい。よつて寧ろthereを一つも用ゐんでやつてみやう。 「学問」は「科学」と断定して宜しからう。学者をscholarと云ふのは 中世スコラ学派のやうで最近のヤシラは皆GパソにTシヤツだもんで禿しく格下げ汁。
I think you are under the illusion that every woman loves you. ●重複するyouを(とりあえず)一つと数える。==>11ワード 異なる11ワードから二つを抜き出して並べる方法は 11P2 = 110通り。 ●ここで二番目のyouを復活。3番目もyou、5番目もyouになる一ケースを加える。
To be honest, I don't really know how hard EIKEN is, but I can do OK in GMAT. At least I can get average scores. average, that is, of US collge graduates.
And I tell you, if you need to use Japanese when you do the math, then that is an additional overhead.
You make yourself sounds like a big shot, you can't tell me you can have that during tough negotiations. or do you?
>>860 I agree. And it goes without saying that we can't really measure our 'Active' English skill by talking in Japanese. Why don't you show everyone of your supreme English skills by rephrasing what you just said in >>860 in English. Well you?
862 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/04/02(水) 12:11:24
863 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/04/02(水) 12:12:48
864 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/04/02(水) 12:14:41
865 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/04/02(水) 12:18:52
マークシート頭は頭悪いね。 Well youときたもんだ(笑) 誰もあんたのspreme Englishなんか興味ないよ。
>>865 Well,pun do intended www, OK, that's my bad. But then I AM sugoi right? and you are obviously not. You don't get the gist of what I am saying. Who's supreme English again please? and where did your 'active' English skills go??