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準1級の過去問なのですが、意味がわからない箇所があります。 Born the son of a White House butler on April 29, 1899, in Washington, D.C., Edward Kennedy Ellington wrote some 5,000 songs in a career spanning siz decades, including "It Don't Mean Thing if It Ain't Got That Swing." 文構造すらわかりません。できれば文法的に詳しく説明してください。よろしくお願いします。
Born the son of a White House butler on April 29, 1899, in Washington, D.C., Edward Kennedy Ellington wrote some 5,000 songs in a career spanning siz decades, including "It Don't Mean Thing if It Ain't Got That Swing."
Because being able to detect smells is so useful,scientists have been interested for some time in developing artificial noses. これを約してもらえませんか? 構造がいまいち把握できません。
condemnはターゲットセクション1にのっている基本単語。 やはりターゲット1900は批判ばかりだが この一冊やっているだけで相当2級のとれようがよかった。 これにターゲット1000英熟語 これは神。準1の熟語がゴロゴロある。 たとえば俺が知らなかったやつは in effect 実行されている at large 逃走中 up to 〜次第である take in 見物する だまされる 取り入れる 理解する などなど。
Until the 1990s, ireland was one of the poorest countries in Western Europe and faced high levels of inflation and unemployment. Because of these problems, every year, many of its citizens left in search of betterlives elsewhere . Then, during the 1990s, its economy was transformed into one of the most successful in Europe, with gross domestic product per person exceeding that of U.K. ,France, and even European powerhouse Germany. Economic growth rates averaged 5 percent a year from the mid-1990s. How was this transformation achieved?
Economic growth rates averagee 5 percent a year at the beginning of the decade, increasing to a remarkable 9.5 percent a year from the mid-1990s How was this transformation achieved?
では話を戻す。 問題文おおざっぱに c.f. >>793 Before Ireland's economic transformation (アイルランドが経済的に変化する前に、 つまりはアイルランドが経済的にしっかりと成長できるようになるまでは、の意) 1 its economic growth was considered to be about average for a European country.
2 many of its residents went to other countries to escape economy hardshi 3 prices for its agricultural products were amang in Western Europe. 4 its population growth had caused levels of unemployment never seen in the past
正解選択肢 × many of its residents went to other countries to escape economy hardshi ◎ many of its residents went to other countries to escape economy hardship.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.' これって準一級程度で訳せる? 俺には読めないんだけど。 ここ終わったら、あっち盛り上がればいいな。
Ve aun't handle zuti linguesti de bihten begonent ve fauits Japonese. Gute dif ve nut undelstent le paft de volente linguesti mos dela English tan cerltafaut vese talentos. Zi tokan Vastenach ent feren unse zuti det. Ve sir de lozules. Pa Pa Pa Pa
970 :jikosyoukai[sage]:2008/04/01(火) 23:34:45
watashiha koukoujidai hennsachi118 arimashita
971 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/04/01(火) 23:47:57
>>970 Ve guteen sponst scolue 118 oaf, zame appaer unzay vier zlep-inteleduct. Handle usvi'st unde cerltafaut vier 118.
Thefen wor arr zuti corent DQNst aun't meemen vifent undelstent vier styupit Romani Japonese. Liptle zi chadd lernen vorligne linguesti, undo zi uprize zier talentos le vese ut liptlele twaine scholes leberl, alsftent zi DQNst aun't reatibement faccin leberl. pa pa pa pa ___ tan voll lozules
980 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/04/03(木) 22:51:06
Pero usted el hijo todo tonto de un blich usted no es? Usted no puede usar o incluso puede entender que idioma que yo anuncié, y estúpidamente usted contesta en las frases del nonsence. Por lo menos usted debe venir a saber cómo tonto ustedes mismos es. Entonces me respeta quién los successcully sólo pasaron en seguida la prueba del paso.