>>22 ある程度的は射ている。だが次のような例もある。 自動詞の場合にwhichを使ってみよう。 This is the house which I lived in.
27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/02/26(火) 22:41:36
さらに This is the place that I often go. This is the place I often go. This is the place where I often go. はどれも許容されている。 だがThis is the place which I often go.はだめだ。 This is the place which I often go to.でなければならない。
28 :27[]:2008/02/26(火) 22:45:08
あれ、自分で書いて思ったんだが、 This is the place which I often go.はオッケーだったかな?
29 :27[]:2008/02/26(火) 22:49:36
おっけーとかなんとかいうよりも the place which 自体が不自然かな。
30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/02/26(火) 23:11:41
to which じゃないの
31 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/02/26(火) 23:17:41
回答ありがとうございます 修飾節の中身にSVOが含まれている場合もwhereなんですね
32 :27[]:2008/02/26(火) 23:50:42
>>30それでもよい。 原則 [場所名詞] to which S 自動詞 [場所名詞] which S 自動詞 to [場所名詞] where S 自動詞 だ。 しかしplaceやanywhereなど一部の先行詞にはwhichが続くことはない。 thatかwhereにするか、まるっきり省略するのが一般的だ。
Well, I rarely have HAD any embarrasSments for such habitual differences. ------------------------------ embarassment等は恥等経済的困窮等を連想汁のでbewilder等confuse等が宜し。 違ひが箸とスプソの一例しか挙げてをらんもんで此を総括汁のが困難だが 当ビ的にはcultural differences等。シカーシcultural and habitual differencesと イパーソ化を高めるも宜し。シカーシculturalもhabitualも取りタダのsuch differences としても減点対象にはならん氣汁。
For me, there is a feeling that they are naturally different. ------------------------------ 前半はThere is a feeling in me等のはうが当ビ的には宜し。 後半は「生まれつき異なる」意が生汁。nature or nurtureで云へば 箸とスプソの選択の相違はnurtureに属汁。 that they can be different.で宜し。
And moreover, I should troubled with them were they not different. ------------------------------ 冒頭にAnd等BUT(丸文字)等付けると女子高女子大生つぽくてはあとであるが チート格が下がるつぽいからトル。Ishouldの後は動詞の原形を期待汁。 読返せば文章として成立してをらんだら?
Yatta! I have just got the pre-first grade interview, with 22 point! I managed to get it quite narrowly, followed by a happiness that I can write this certificate down on my curriculum vita because I am third year in University, struggling for job-seeking. Yet, the funny thing is that I have failed the second grade which was taken together with the pre-first. I do not understand how Eiken works. This might be a proof that Eiken is unreliable and some examiners evaluate examinees by using an unsuitable method. For instance, they might want examinees to answer quite formally to their questions. I had ever more confidence in the second grade interview in comparison to the pre-first grade in which I had much weaker confidence. Anyway, I am so much delighted to have received good result. See yah!
■ナレーション 1コマにつき2〜3センテンスで説明する練習を 2007年度と2004年度の過去問集に載ってる面接問題で練習した。 練習後にナレーション例を確認し、ナレーションに 使いやすいフレーズを抜き出し覚えるようにした。 He began to〜とか、そんな簡単なもの。 タイマーを使って2分計ったりもした。時間計ると緊張するので練習になった。
■Q&A 質問の時制に合わせて、回答の時制も合わせる練習をした。 If you were 〜, would you have agreed〜?と聞かれたら I'd have agreed〜と答える、って感じで。 そしてなるべくyes/noと自分の意見をはっきり伝えられるように心がけて 練習した。過去問集で、本に書いてある質問を読まずに、 音声だけを聞いて答える練習をした。 4番目の質問は、自分の経験に基づいた具体例を話して答えようと 決めてそういう答え方をする練習をした。As for me〜、みたいな。
■アティチュード 入室するときはMay I come in?と言ったけど声が小さくなったから 面接官に聞こえなかったかもしれない。 フリートークは短かったから、何がよかったのかよくわからない。 一応、フリートーク以降は面接官にちゃんと聞こえるように はっきりと話すようにした。 あと、面接官の目を見て、常に笑顔でいるようには気をつけた。
マーチト読み易く書き直せばto be以下 though not so far as to be unable to move rapidly when occasion required though not so far as to be unmovable with occasion-required (enough) rapidity 等となるが此等では売文稼業従事者として面白くないからチート捻つたのであらう。
2007年度第3回 Hi, Jennifer. I'm fine. How are you? I'm busy studying French.
I think such places are being built, primarily because they are convienient for commuters. Therefore, such shops and restaurant can get much money from them.
I think such restrictions are needed. Today smoking on public space have become one of the most serious problems in Japan, because it is bad for not only people who smoke, but also people who do not smoke.
I think such kind of advertising is effective. There are too many shops near train stations, but at last it makes people know theirs.
>>485のp.149(7)に付記汁と、a lot of等は口語つぽいと云ふので http://www.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ken/eng/07.html 此をmuch等good等に置換汁。 2番目の文は長い上にTop heavyだからThere would be no progress, however,等で始まる文に書き換へたい処だが、汁と今度はthereが続き チート煩しい。よつて寧ろthereを一つも用ゐんでやつてみやう。 「学問」は「科学」と断定して宜しからう。学者をscholarと云ふのは 中世スコラ学派のやうで最近のヤシラは皆GパソにTシヤツだもんで禿しく格下げ汁。
Wikipedia, ポータル、言語学、言語、英語、使用言語=English、記載 With the viewpoint to seek what a language is for, three patterns of sentence are fundamental. What comes up first with a sentence? The subject which takes the word case of noun basically shoud come up first. Then what? Predicate which always includes either be-verb which tells existence or usual verb which tells function. Using either of these verbs, predicate tells three different things; 1)existence 2)function 3)state. These three take the following word order. 1) noun +be-verb +〜 2) noun +usual verb(=telling function) +〜 3) noun +be-verb +adjective +〜 examples: I am at a computer. I use the computer. I am on the Internet. I write on the Wikipedia. Wikipedia is useful.Three patterns of English is useful. What should come up after predicate? Auxiliaries. The word order is; 4) noun +auxiliary +verb in basic form +〜 examples: I will go to the movie theater later. You can say anything with four patterns of English. We must spread these four patterns all over the world. Then the world ca use English at once. These four followed, nothing is exempted in telling, which means these four are the least and all.
A: I am a pen very much. B: I am a book, too A: By the way, It is unko, isn't it? B: At a glance, it seem to be unko, all right, but, look carefully at, it is Mr, Shigeru. A: Mind your own business. B: Thank you.
>>791 is making arounds of threads to criticize STEP as well as in 1st Grade thread. Oh, he poor guy(;_;) He doesn't have enough brain to learn some foreign language. Yeah, sad, but true, poor >>791 Come on, please show us your superlative skills of English such as capacity to think logically, to express and read fast like you say but of course in English! I'm asking you!
>>813 You're welcome. Don't be afraid to question anything! Keep working!
816 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 09:48:18
Well, Good morning >>791=>>486!! Did you sleep well? I'd really like to see the English of entrance exam you are raving about. Especially I want to know the grammar ... that is ... ah, by the way, what in English do you call the word, you mentioned, “トリッキーな文法” . At any rate, I want you to tell us about “トリッキーな文法”.
817 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 10:02:23
Come on Ryu(or dragon)! Let's practice writing English. Don't be shy! You don't have to be afraid to make mistakes.
818 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/11(火) 10:30:48
>>816 He(>>791=486) doesn't know about it at all. lol He's just saying irresponsibly.
I personally think the Tricky Grammar is the one which requires advanced grammar knowledge. Haha, hey >>791, do you expect that pre-frist passers lack the good grammar skills? You fool. lol It is really miserable of you to laugh at us just because you can't pass.
819 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/11(火) 10:37:44
>>817 Do you mind my joining? I can use only English which I learned at school. I can't write the letter that people use when they are speaking. Have you passed Pre-first or First grade?
>>812 No!! No matter what you say I am going to argue with him in English! I've been deeply impressed by his passing at the score of 92!
>>486 You must have considerably much skill. Now you prove yourself!
822 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/03/11(火) 11:15:15
>>819 Come on! You're welcome! Take it easy! You just should use what you have been studying. I passed pre-first grade last year so I'm also poor at English. And then I'm going for First grade.
>>824 uh...Well..... that's very difficult to get it. I know probably... a little obscurely though. well I guess it'll be all right to write in easy English.
If節のso as to のtoって不定詞じゃない?前置詞なのかな? 例 When I got lost in London last summer , an old woman was so kind as to take me to the place where I wanted to go . So, you should put infinitive after to , instead of using gerund or participle, like as to provide 主節のIはitかyouじゃない? 例 It would be appreciated とか you would be aooreciated みたく。 間違ってたらごめんね
>>830 Yes, you are right, but partialy. As you say, we usually say, "Would you be so kind as to do something?" when one ask someone a favor, and this phrase is quite well known among high school students.
If we say "Would you be so kind as to doING 〜?", “As to”means “about”.
like, uh, What do you think about doing〜? or What do you think as to doing 〜? You understand? That is, by using "as to doing" instead of "as to do", we can say something more obliquely.
P.S. you know the word oblique when you study STEP.
837 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 12:38:40
>>835 Hey guy! Are you mentioning the following writing?
That's me! It is I that you are calling "Taiteikunn". Come on, More importantly, you should prove yourself! I'd love to see your great English skill!
I know you are 486. there now, there is no need to hesitate.
838 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 12:40:51
The book told me what it's like as to the life in Canada . その本を読んで、カナダでの生活がどんなものなのか(について)分かった。 の as to=about だね。as to=about is sort of a literary expression . We raraely use as to=about in daily life . Thanks .
839 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 12:44:57
>>830 by the way, you are very smart because you know special term such as infinitive, gerund, participle. I'm impressed.
Well, in that case, it is not participle but gerund.
840 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 12:53:51
>>838 Yeah, that's right! I think He(>>824) may find that phrase in some of the high school study guides, and that is probably a bit too detailed so that that book include a lot of literary or little-used expressions.
841 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 12:57:46
>>835 Hey show me! Me, oh, my! I'm 大抵くん. I'm the one and only.
>>839aa Corrections(笑):special term →technical terms or grammatical jargon not participle but gerund →not A participle but A gerund
845 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:06:27
>>835 Oh man, please don't disappoint me, please! Well, you are NOT able to do anything although you are the boy with a big mouth. lol
846 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:08:34
>>840 Corrections: in some of the high school study guides→in some of A high school study guide include a lot of literary or little-used expressions. →literacy(×)(笑)
847 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:11:00
>>844 Wow! Your grammar is very acuurate! Sorry I am far from mastering grammar. You are cool!
>>849 Thank you! I was speaking with very poor grammar skills at the interview test of the Pre-first. especially I made a lot of mistakes with Article.
852 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:28:22
>>850 俺も840の認識はわからんが in some of the high school study guidesは in some of high school study guides と不特定の方がいいでしょ 彼の参考書は推測はできても特定はできないんだから
853 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:43:36
>>852 well, of course, but I think we can use "the" in such case as something is acknowledged well enough. I tried to say, 「彼はおそらく、いわゆる高校生参考書ってやつを見たんだろな」 and I think that some high school study guides include too literary expressions as well.
So, I sometimes hear foreigner mention about a NEW thing with attaching "the" to it. They imply "You know well what I am going to tell."
Now I noticed that >>844 gave "jargon" as an example though I only saw "technical" earlier. I learned the word "jargon" at one time and another while I was studying. He has a lot of knowledge.
858 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 13:59:24
>>853 He must refer to so-called study guides for high school students. ってどうだい
859 :822[]:2008/03/11(火) 14:03:38
>>855 Oh, I know. but they use "mention about" ,too.
>>859 mention aboutの方がやや遠まわしあるいは幅広いイメージ mention A に近い感覚でmention about Aを使うことはできるが mention something about Aみたいな用法もあるから注意な。
861 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/03/11(火) 14:10:56
>>859 必死だなww mention abvoutなんていわねぇよww自己顕示欲の塊がw Longmanより Do not say "mention about" something. Mention is followed by a direct object. 間違い認めろよへぼ英語オタ男がw
>>861 No, not all usages in dictionaries is right. I'm surely hearing foreign people say "mention about" though I already said in >>859. And of course I use "mention it" as in >>837.
Mike: Who the hell is this dead body? Kana: This...He is Takeshi. Mike: Really? I dont know he died. Im so sad. Kana: Yeah. Im too. But he will be born in this world again. Mike: Why do you say that? Kana: I believ in Buddha. He explained transmigration of souls. A word..."Rinne Tensei" It is famous word in Japan, coming from Buddhism word. Mike: A Rinne Tensei ? Kana: Yes. Takeshi will be born to be flower, tree, mountain, animal, human being and etc. Mike: That is pretty nice!!! In short...Takeshi doesnt die, do he? Kana: ( A:No, he is dead. B:Yes, he is dead. C:No, he is alive. D:Yes. he is alive.)