今日の勉強量報告 How much time did you study today? 心境報告 How did you feel about your studying English? 勉強法 What is your method of studying English? 攻略法 What is your capture tactic for Eiken Grade Pre-1? ちょっと自慢 Would you write your self-praise?
あらし、煽りだけ無しでよろしくお願いします。 荒らしはスルー。 Please, never ransack/troll/do vandalism this thread. And, if you were feeding the troll, you would be a troller.
6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/02/28(土) 15:00:08
This thread's template design/scheme
How much time did you study today? How did you feel about your studying English? What is your method of studying English? What is your capture tactic for Eiken Grade Pre-1? Would you write your self-praise?
Please, never ransack/troll/do vandalism this thread. And, if you were feeding the troll, you would be a troller.
7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2009/02/28(土) 15:02:17
8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/02/28(土) 15:08:41
固定ハンドルさんは自己紹介して貰えると嬉しいな Could you explain yourself someone who has fixed online name/pseudonym?
年齢 age 職業 occupation 英検2級の有無 Do you have the certification of Eiken 2-Grade? 英語勉強歴 When did you start to study English. 受験歴 How many times do you take the examination? 過去の得点 What is your past score of Eiken pre-1 Grade? TOEICのスコア If you have a score of TOEIC, what is your TOEIC score? 現在の学習内容など How do you study Englsih for Eiken pre-1? 可能な範囲で As referred to above, does not mean you should answer these questions.
--------------------------------- You don't have to be perfect on the interview test. All you have to keep in mind is not to be silent during your speech. Silence is not golden there. Just keep talking.
It's obvious your speeches are less organized than essays you write because during a speech, you don't have time to proofread it. So don't get too dissapointed about it because they don't require you to be perfect. So don't be too hard on yourselves.
Don't forget to time your speech when you practice making a speech. The point is you have to get a feel of how long the two minutes is. If you think your speech is terrible, it's too early to give up. You have the Q&A section to make up for it.
英検準1級攻略スレ4 The thread of the netwark for the acquestion of Eiken Grade Pre-1/1 pt.4
Pre-1 grade 年齢 age 職業 occupation 英検2級の有無 Do you have the certification of Eiken 2-Grade? 英語勉強歴 When did you start to study English. 受験歴 How many times do you take the examination? 過去の得点 What is your past score of Eiken pre-1 Grade? TOEICのスコア If you have a score of TOEIC, what is your TOEIC score? 現在の学習内容など How do you study Englsih for Eiken pre-1? 可能な範囲で As referred to above, does not mean you should answer these questions.
age around 30 years old occupation a salaryman work for the company of printing and sales promotion tools I got the certification of Eiken 2-Grade June, 1998. I had studied at junior high school, high school. Sometimes, I studied English in a university. And I love movies, I have seen movies in English with Japanese script about 1,000 times over. Additionally, I have taken radio for FEN/AFN when I were in my home everytime. That's all. I never take examination of Eiken Pre-1 Grade. Thus, I have not past score of Eiken Pre-1. I got TOEIC score of 5XX. It was a long time ago.
age: around 30 years old occupation: a sales staff of a sales promotion company (無職なるかも・・・・・・) I got the certification of Eiken 2-Grade at June, 199X When did you start to study English. Junior highschool. And, I recently started studying English for Eiken Pre-1 grade. I have not taken the examination. Thus, I don't have the past score. I had had a score of TOEIC about 500-600, but it was ten years ago. I am studying at a cram school for entering university.
そろそろ本気出すよ! 書店で英検の申し込み書もらってきた! 薦めてる人がいたし、書店で現物見て良さそうだと思って、 「Eゲイト英和辞典」(ベネッセ)買ってきた! 雰囲気的にはleaner's English to English dictionary を日本語にしたような感じ。 紙の辞書はめんどいから、あんまり買う気なかったんだけどねw
んで、パス単見たけど、単調に英語と和訳が書いてあるだけで、 ちょっと個人的に嫌だったので、代わりに 速読速聴・英単語 Core Business 買ってきた! ついでに、昔もらってなくした「英文標準問題精講」も! 100コマ授業受けたし、今後も2コマ×2日/週で受けるよ!
>>311 I use Windows XP PC and Windows 2000 yet now. So, I speculated PC with Windows Vista have much CPU power for decode. That's all.
314 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/08(水) 13:06:06
315 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2009/04/08(水) 14:22:03
316 :トリップだけの人 295[sage]:2009/04/08(水) 14:30:51
Essay topic: Do you recommend attending a school for studying English on not? For example, person who wants to get Eiken Pre-1 grade should attend a school or not.
30 minutes with 英辞郎 on the web 研究者リーダーズ英和辞典2版 CDView
Some people got 2nd language by oneself. They learned the language indepedently. But, a great number of people learns language with his/her teacher. And, so many japanese who want to get ability of speaking English attend English conversation school. They pay much money for tuition of that. Though, you know, most of japanese could't speak English completely. I think the reason is they do not learn themself when they are not in the school. By the way, I paid for 100,000 yen for 50 sets of English lecture at a cram school for entering university. One lecture has 50 minutes, and it needs 2,000 yen. Those lecture content me. They had value as same as payment. Today, we think "Time is money". 2,000 yen values 2.5 hours part time job's wage for like working at McDonald's. If I got learnd rapidly English as same as three times independece studying, I think the cost shold be payed. We can study everything alone. Like Tadao Ando which is known for great architect. But, sometime it is not efficient. Thus, our society has elementary school, junior high school, high school, college, univercity, graduate school and "culture center", cram school, and the other school.
>>316 Essay topic: Do you recommend attending a school for studying English on not? For example, person who wants to get Eiken Pre-1 grade should attend a school or not.
I strongly recommend that you attend a school for studying English. I have three reasons here -- to force myself to study further, to ensure time-efficicency, and to get motivated.
Firstly, ensuring enough time is one step to succeed. I applied to 50 sets of English lecture at a cram school for entering university. It cost me hundred thousand yen, expensive though, but by paying tuition, I succeeded in forcing myself to study for a longer time. Some people can become proficient in English all by themselves, others who even go to conversation schools of English fail to. I think the reason is they do not learn themselves when they are not in the school.
Secondly, it is , in general, more efficient to be taught by teachers than to study by oneself. All tests have their tendencies, strategies to pass, and deadlines. Therefore I chose to take lessons and found their contents very satisfying so far. When I study alone, I do not know how to study efficiently.
Finally, going to school really motivates me. I unexpectedly made many friends who have the same purpose. Whenever I study with them at school, I can concentrate on more even if I am tired or sleepy. However, when I study at home, I can easily give up studying because of trifle reasons such as getting e-mail, being hungry, and feeling weariness.
Our societies have various types of schools from cram school to culture center. I think we should make the most use of them to achieve our goals successfully, in a short time, and enjoyably.
・01行目:the language → the foreing language に言い換え ・02行目:a great number of people learns → learn 主語は複数形 ・02行目:his/her teacher → their teachers ・05行目:Though → However /thoughは接続詞なので節が一つ足りない ・06行目:they do not learn themself → learn by themself ・09行目:Those lecture → Those lectures ・11行目:If I got learnd rapidly English as same as three times independece studying → If I learn English three times as rapidly as independece studying
・11行目:the cost shold be payed → the cost is worth paying
・12行目:Like Tadao Ando which is known for → We can 〜 alone, for example, like Tadao Ando who is known as a great architect. Likeの文章には本動詞が存在せず、文章中で浮いてしまっている。
5行目 most of Japanese → most of the Japanese もしくは most Japanese (TOEIC系) 余談:most of theの由来は、most A of the A→ most of the Aです。 だから2度目なのでtheがいるらしいです
9行目 They had value as same as payment. 上手く説明出来ないのですが、違和感を感じてしまいます。 They had as(the) same value as payment なら、しっくりくるのです。 それらは、支払金と同様の価値がある。 それらは、支払い金(が価値を持っているの)と同様に価値を持っている。 となるからかな?? 分からない orz They worth as much as payment, なら安心です。
>>323 スマさんの英作読むと、inputの量が凄さが伝わってくるっす!! 俺も負けずにガンバルぞ! 話は変わるんですが、ネイティブは I am very tired. を使わないらしいです。 聞くと、「外人だな」って思うらしいです。 [very]が不自然らしい... 英作、奥が深いっす。
>>368 I've already uploaded my certificate in this thread and thereby proven my ability. Why don't you do that? Judging from your comments, it seems that you think you're superior to me. Then show your command of English.
371 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/10(金) 22:25:33
Most of the brats like you will definitely become silent once comments begin to be posted in English. lol
372 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/10(金) 22:34:31
>>368 I think you've also studied English for several years. Then why can't you write something in English? Your writing skill is rather poor, I'm sure. lol What you are saying is repetition of menial matters. Aren't you getting bored?
>>374 You are an arrogant, menial, mediocre man. LOL
Now I remembered that you don't need to tackle writing section when taking STEP 2nd Grade. You don't have to feel ashamed because of illiteracy.lollolololol You've never studied, practiced, written.lolololol
377 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/10(金) 23:11:46
>>374 The more you write in Japanese, the more you reveal your absurdity unwittingly.lololol
378 :トリップだけの人 295[sage]:2009/04/10(金) 23:11:48
379 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/10(金) 23:24:07
>>374 Are you jealous of my Certificate of STEP Pre-1st Grade? Are you envious of my writing skill?
Why haven't you written a response in English only once?
Realizing that you CAN NOT defeat me, leaving a tiny stupid comment, you will run away from this thread, I'm quite sure.LOL
380 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2009/04/11(土) 00:13:16
>>379 You are the last person to realize your vanity. Your English ability may actually be good, on the other hand the atmosphere which your writing create is disgusting. I don' know those who show off the pre-1 certificate except for you. Modesty which you probably don't know, or even haven't heard, is the most important thing to live among sophistcated people. Yeah, it is why you don't have such senses. Hehehe, so then, it is your ' certificate' that tells me how unsophistcated you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are kind enough to show it to me first because you must know it is considered polite.
It's not just for players any more. What can a Munchkin GM do? Whatever he wants. Player annoys you? Kill him. Or change his sex. Or turn him into a Canada goose. Go all the way and turn him into a dead sex-changed Canada goose. No one can stop you. When you're the GM, the rules are only suggestions - and mild ones at that. So the Munchkin Master's Guide is 48 pages of evil suggestions: magic items, powerful NPC classes, terrifying tables, and a loaded 100-sided die's worth of dirty tricks. Remember - It's good to be the GM.
男性が止むを得ない事情で中止されたツアーへの返金を求める問題で、 questionがwhy is the man upset?とあり、選択肢が No.3 が He cannot join the tour that he wants. No.4 が He will not be able to receive a refund. とあったッス。
No.3はcould not なら正解でスが、過去のツアーに対してcanの現在形が不可となる ヒッカケッス。上から順に選択肢を読んでいくので早とちりしてしまったッス。
パート1の質問文を書いてみる Why is the man concerned? Why was the man surprised? What does the woman tell the man to do? What do we learn from the conversation? What will the woman probably do next? What does the man wish to do? TOEICと変わらんね。
Why do you want to enter the Ri3? If you want to become a doctor, you have to just enter a medical department. That's all. And, you said "I'm lower private high school student". It guess us that you do not get excellent score at some tests. In addition, what is your grade? Which is it 10th, 11th, or 12th? That is very very importan information.
>>959の 1.なら、after two weeks, six months later, the next day 2.なら、When the man read the newspaper, As she took the bus, On her way to work 3.なら、He decided to participate in the event. She saw the elderly woman having trouble 〜ing 4.なら、He looked satisfied. The elderly woman seemed embarrassed.
The man looked upset because the result was different from what he had expected originally. The man seemed disappointed because the result didn't live up to his expectation. The young lady was wondering whether she should apply for the workshop. The elderly woman was surprised to find that her favorite store was closed down.
2.については <時間・原因> After that / Afterward Through this experience Because he had made a terrible mistake (in 〜), As she had been involved in a similar incident before,
<結果> He decided to change his way of thinking. He had made up his mind to save the old building. She was thinking whether her remark was suitable to the situation or not. She applied for the workshop and then was looking forward to participating in the seminar.