Once upon a time, there was an young man in the small village. He always worked hard to harvest crops. After ten years, he became a good farmer. but he got hurt because of mistaking to use his hoe. He wasn't able to farm his land. His efforts crumbled. This story taught a lessen. What is the most important thing?
283 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/12/25(木) 16:55:03
before getting hurt, he should have made a lot of money to live on in his later life.
Thank you for your letter. First:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am looking for hearing from you again.
The person didn't pretend to relate thier talk about the recent incedents. But, he is the one committing a series of criminals. After police came there, the police noticed he is gulty soon.
「大学生の学力」(1000字・90分) 2003年秋季 朝日新聞社論作文題 "Academic ability of university student" 所要時間 約3時間半 日本語で作文済みを自分で英作文化、東京外大英語科5年生wの添削入り済み プログレッシブ和英中辞典 第2版 小学館 リーダーズ英和辞典(EPWING CD-ROM 版) 途中までだよ、昔のやつだよ
"You are the lower class so…". A professor said this in lecture. His slip of the tongue brought on much criticism. And the president summoned him and he got attention of it. Usually, although I had taken those professor spiteful tongue humor, I could not forgive this statement. Because, it was the fact. The university's deviation point is 50. It means a standard of standard in high school graduates. Frankly speaking, we are not “brilliant students” from evidence of deviations of subjects. The tuition is the cheapest among private universities. It is in Tokyo, and provides some inexpensive dormitory almost freshmans, people had live dormitory where X men are literally packed. Needless to say, they are not from Tokyo. Most of students paid tuition with student loan, or financed living expense by part-time job. People who could get allowance are student who from attached school, including me, are a few. Difference between “us” and “them” can be found in eating habits as well. People who are "Luxurious" most of student's cafeteria or packed lunch, people who laid in bargains and cooked him own meal, some of student had patience to eat salty boiled rice.
I am thinking it is too dificult. But, it would be a nice idea! I will try it. Shall we do it all.
836 :◆dvVEQYn1DE [sage]:2009/01/15(木) 23:38:02
That was written in ten years ago.
Test of Written English Instructions Your instructor will tell you when to begin and end the test. You will have 30 minutes to complete your essay. Please read the topic below and write your essay in the space provided. Only your writing on the pages provided by your instructor will be read and used to assess your written English. Do not use any references materials, such as notes or dictionaries, during this test. Please write clearly. You may make notes on this, or another paper. Your scores will be provided to you by your instructor at a later date.
Good luck and do your best!
Essay topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the coursed that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Score: 4++ good use of specifics good use of quotes and examples Thoughts are very well organized, but you need to manage your time better, so that you have time for the conclusion.
837 :◆dvVEQYn1DE [sage]:2009/01/15(木) 23:45:41
Begin your essay here:
In my X high school, there were courses when I was a high school student. Those are sports course, general course, and special study course. So, we can choose the course. But choices in course are strictly limited. I would like to say one thing before I say, "agree or disagree". In Japan so many students who have not for study are in high school. And I could find common fact in United States from movies, novels, drama, and news. Most those students want to choose P.E., music, car driving, art, and mechanic class. They do not study mathematics, literature, language, history, geometry, chemistry, physics, and biology. Their knowledge will be very limited. And I present two examples. One of the examples is about Malcolm X. Another example is about Chris who was the character of the movie, "Stand by me" and the novel "the Body" written by S. King. Malcolm X wanted to join the class, students who will enter University in the class. Malcolm’s teacher said, "You should take other class like mechanics class, job-training class," because he was black. Chris's farther was a drunkard. Most people thought, "Chris will be like that. He will not be a good man". First, Chris had idea to enter mechanics class. But, his friend encouraged him "You have good brain. If you study, you can get good score. Come on, join the class."
838 :Many many time I use writting this ◆dvVEQYn1DE [sage]:2009/01/15(木) 23:48:37
Dear Mr. X Y. Z:
Today, I had said this. Though I would like to announce my retirement anew. As I have decided to resign AAA Inc. It will be my last day with the company May ZZ, BBBB.
My responsibilities will be handled by my team here. A section chief Mr.A will be your primary contact and can be reached via phone at XX-XXXX-XXXX and via email at XXXXXX@xxx.co.jp.
I have worked for X and half years with this company and I truly enjoyed working with all of you. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. May I ask that you continue to help AAA Inc. grow further by favoring it with your business? Please take good care of yourselves.
I have enjoyed working with you and hope we can continue our relationship.Thank you very, very much for your kind patronage and friendship. It was my pleasure serving you. You were the source of energy and power for me.
I wish you much happiness and success.
My home e-mail address is aaa@bbb.com. I wish to hear from you sometime. I look forward to talking with you again and your visit to BBBB.
Please give my best regards to BBBBB-san.
Thank you for everything. I am much obliged to you. Sincerely yours,
>>833 Thank you for your comment and agreement. Tonight, I have to go to bed now cause It's very cold in the morning recently. I have to get up early tommorow.
Have a good night.
840 :◆dvVEQYn1DE [sage]:2009/01/15(木) 23:59:44
>>839 I hope you you'll get well soon. God bless you! Nighty-night.
he will be は間違いですね would be じゃないとw 少なくとも東京外大英語科5年生wの添削入り済みのやつには、 もう基本的間違いはないと思うんですけどね。
Sure, I wrote "he will be". I had mitaken it. It should be "would be". If nothing else essay which had corrected by student who studied 5 years in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, I am sure of nothing simply mistakes.
I think Japanese should use English more casually in our daily life, even though our English are not polished very well.
When we speak English toward Japanese, most of them reply like that, “Why do you use English? Here is Japan!”
But then, why do we spend a lot of time in studying English? We have spent enormous time in studying English. Nevertheless we rarely speak English among Japanese.
Why don’t you agree to my opinion that “if English use among Japanese spread more, something good happen to us.”
Japanese are likely to think that we shouldn’t use English, if the English isn’t good.
But I think we should output English we’ve learn in daily life, even if it was Japanese-English.
Yeah! You are right. Because, that time I had speaken with native speaker was ten years ago. The host family was structured professor mom, sculpture dad, and their son. She spoke to me clearly and slowly. Though he and he speak fast and unclearly.
Yes I am bad writer. Then again, I do not understand high school English in Japan. I wrote that first. But, I could communicate in English about daily life.
Please, please! Write here in real time. Never use fuck'in Japanese, please write in Eng"r"ish!
>>827 はじめまして 文法は、習う・慣れるよりも「教える」がすっごい効果的ですよ!! 一年間、高校生の家庭教師で最初から最後まで教えたら、教えながら自分も新たな発見が ありました!! >>833 みんな英語は読めるので多分、大丈夫だと思いますよ! 上智かぁ…かっこいい!がんばれ!! 今からだと遅いけど、上智大学、通ってみたかったなぁ(涙) 英検1級とTOEIC900とっても、俺のそういった憧れは消えないかもしれないなぁ >>835-839 英検の模範解答の英作文って、意外と、簡単で、あれで14点なんですよね。 誰にでも読みやすく、簡単で、スマートな英文が書けるようになりたいなって思ってます 俺が関係代名詞を使うと、絶対に固い文になる orz >>865 I agree with you. Japanese people need the place where you can output your English easily without money.
There are great differences between you like will domain English and me. He said "Anyone never completely understand English other than native speaker". He got honor given to good score of Eiken 1 kyu when he was a student. And he got Fulbright scholarship. He got Ph.D in the United States. Additionaly, he taught a university in U.S. as professor.
What can I do?
878 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2009/01/17(土) 09:58:55
= Es gibt grosser Unterschied zwischen dir, der nicht ein nativer englische Sprecher ist, und mir. Er sagte, "... ... (駄目だ俺の英語力はここまでか) ... Was kann ich machen?