I'm glad to hear from you. Anyway I'll show you my opinions
・Rely on car: Yes, as you say, the most people use cars., but I think we shoud use more buses and trains. "No-my-car" day is endorsed in Osaka. ・Solor bus: It's fantasitc! We will have been using such vheicles in the future. It's not a Sci-Fi story. It's fact. ・Licenses: I think 16-years-old is too young, because the young people's skills are dangrous.
I hope my opinions will be helpful for you.
Cheers, Nao
792 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2008/10/21(火) 04:04:25
Dear Dan,
793 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/10/21(火) 04:10:25
第一文→hearって。。 Thank you for your letter. で十分。第二文→不要。
>>791 the most people は、確実に減点されそうです。 未来完了進行系とskills are dangerous も怪しいかもです 三つの質問に答えて、メールフォームは、出来てるので、優しい採点者だと10まで いくかもしれないし、怖い先生だと…(涙 人の採点を出来るレベルじゃないので、適当に聞き流してくださいw >>800 早いと今週の金・土あたりかな 68だったらいいけど、69っぽいな(涙
802 :797[]:2008/10/21(火) 08:18:53
>skills are dangerous
私なら They don't have enough experiences. Too much premature is dangerous. みたいな流れでまとめる。
I'm doing well. As you said, the price of gasoline is more expensive than before in Japan. As you know, people in rural regions have to use the car for daily life. For instance, it takes long time even to go supermarket, but people in urban towns such as Tokyo don't have to. They can use various transportations that's not expensive and usefull.
I guess it's inevitable to rely on solar energy in the near future. I think it's a good idea to develop something running on solar energy, and will become popular.
It's difficult to answer your last question. Actually I got the license when I was 16. So, in my opinion, I don't think it's too young.
It was nice to hear from you. I am fine. Let me answer your questions.
First, many people in Japan use cars to commute because it is convenient. We don't have to wait to go and we can go anywhere easily.
I think that it will become popular because many people like the idea. In fact, Kyoto city in Japan has introduced the vehicles.
I don't think that it is too young for the people to get the license because they can actually drive cars. In fact, the number of accidents of average people is not different from the number of accidents of the young.
>before 過去のある時点より前のことを表す副詞だから、いつより前なのか明確なとき以外は使えない。 10 years ago in Japan とかにするか、 the price of gasoline I checked today is more expensive than before ならOK
>use the car 特定の車のことを言ってないのなら、厳密にはuse a carじゃないと意味がおかしくなる。
>go supermarket toがない。
>urban towns 東京のような市街地の町というのが変。urban areas もしくは the town のがいい。
> We don't have to wait to go and we can go anywhere easily. by carを入れないと意味がわかりずらい。
> In fact, Kyoto city in Japan has introduced the vehicles. 嘘イクナイ(AA略
> In fact, the number of accidents of average > people is not different from the number of accidents of the young. accidents of は accidents caused byとかaccidents involvingにすべき。ここでofは使えない。 平均的な人々の事故件数は若者の事故件数と変わらない。というのがわかりづらい。 the avarage number of accidentsとかにして、「平均的な事故数」にするなら意味が通じる。 二つ目の the number of accidents はthatにするべき。
Nice to hear from you. I'm doing well. You know, Japan is very smaller and has more people than Australia. So, not many people rely on cars. Instead, we rely on trains or bikes.
Now, global warming is the world wide problem. Introducing eco-friendly vehicles will be popular to solve it.
Your sister got driver's license? It is pretty nice for your sister to have got driver's license. No matter when we got it, driving makes not only our range of acticity but also our idea wide only if we take responsibility for our driving.
very smaller→much smaller not many people rely on→people doesn't entirely rely on 妹の免許取得のくだりが冗長なこと 最後の文になんか違和感感じること
>>914 レベル把握は、過去問しかないと思うぜ。HPへGO! >>916 試験内容は英検が優れてると個人的に思う。試験形式は、実力のスコア表示とか toeicが優れてるよね >>917 However, I think that this test is more academic than TOEIC.
921 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/10/31(金) 07:31:48
STEP Eiken test takers're twice as many as that of TOEIC.
922 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2008/10/31(金) 10:28:54
Exsaminees of Eiken are twice as many as those of TOEIC