祭りに参加しようと白ギガ(SS259 K)を買ってきた。 非TA-82, FW 2.71 だった(^^) #とりあえずここや関連スレの情報を信じてよかった。 しかし、初代(made in japan)のものと比べると ○ボタンがフニャフニャ。 初期不良を疑って購入店に持って行ったが他のも 同様の現象だったため、もしかしてこれが made in china 品質なのかな?
First step is probably support for 2.0-2.6 without GTA. After that comes 2.70-2.71, and eventually 2.80.
This is because of the escalating difficulty of getting stuff running on each firmware. 2.80 is no walk in the park, and getting meaningful homebrew support is pretty tricky.
We could probably have released something already, but we prefer to test very thoroughly before each release, as it reduces the overall effort and disappointment. __________________
Using firmware v2.0-v2.6? Open up a whole world of homebrew here The PSP Homebrew Database needs YOU!
-- Yes that's me, for a fancy-dress party. Don't gimme no back-talk, sucka.
It's not that simple, you don't have access to kernel mode with 2.71+ unlike 2.60 so you need to find the iplupdater syscalls in vshmode which is very hard to achieve ↓ それがそんなに簡単でない、 あなたは2.71+で2.60と異なってカーネルモードに近づく手段を持たないで、したがって、非常に達成しにくいvshmodeでiplupdater syscallsを見つけるのが必要です。
Mathieulh stopped by our forums to tell us that a new version of psardumper (modded by Dark_Alex to dump 2.80 files) is available. Dark_Alex modded psardumper for 2.80 which was originally created/coded by psppet. This psardumper will dump reboot.bin and other necessary 2.80 files for devhook emulation!
This is quite some exciting news as it has been quite some time since 2.80 has been released and many have been anxiously awaiting this day. The only thing that remains for us to wait on is an update to devhook that will allow us to emulate 2.80! So, now that we have the files extracted/dumped, it is only a matter of time before we are emulating this precious firmware on our 1.50 firmware with devhook!
To install, extract the data.psar (I suggest using PBP Unpacker) and place it in the root of your memory stick (data.psar). After this is done, make sure you have the decrypter/dumper file in the correct folder (PSP/Game) and execute it on your PSP. The program will then dump/decrypt the necessary files onto your memory stick. This program is legal, however the files dumped using it are protected under copyright laws - so do not distribute them!